Jul 2nd 2021
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Latest News - Out of the Gates July 2020

Express Scripts startled dozens of pharmacies across the nation this spring when it abruptly sent a blitz of "recoupment" notices regarding certain compounded prescription claims processed in 2015 -- yes, five years ago -- for the Defense Health Agency. Our consulting team sprang into action, ready to assist clients with their responses.
The so-called Tricare Clawback was so ill-conceived and unfair, however, that the PBM giant appeared to back off by the end of the month, suspending its action for an unclear and indefinite amount of time. Compounders will likely face a reckoning down the road; the only question is the length of that road.
The Gates Healthcare team is well-equipped to work collaboratively with compounders and their legal counsel to review and respond to any allegations. We are taking this seriously, and so should you. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this matter.
Best wishes,
Ernest P. Gates Jr.,
Insights and Updates
Featured Associate: Dawn Kimmence
Our Associate Dawn Kimmence has nearly two decades of experience in the pharmacy industry and has used her broad range of experience to become a key part of our consulting team.
Gates Healthcare clients turn to her for accreditation support (particularly with PCAB and URAC); for guidance on USP (including <795>, <797> and <800>); for state, DEA and other regulatory compliance matters; for sales and acquisition support; and for training and education services.
Interested in a consultation with Dawn Kimmence? Please click here to contact our team and receive a special discount.
Gates Discusses Drug Supply Policy, COVID-19
Gates Healthcare President Ernie Gates recently helped make headlines in ASC Focus, the journal of the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association.
Gates contributed comments to an article that focuses on managing drug supplies effectively during the COVID-19 pandemic, conveying the importance of having updated policies and procedures in place and closely managing supplies.
To read the article, please click here.
Lyons Lends Expertise to News Story on PBMs
Our Senior Associate Dennis Lyons was recently quoted as an expert source in the Worcester Business Journal for a news story about Massachusetts-based RxAdvance, described as "the big little player in pharmacy benefits management."
Lyons provided perspective and context to the reporter for the story. To read the coverage, please click here.
Gates Healthcare Associates has everything a compounder needs with newly updated Standard Operating Procedure manuals for sterile, non-sterile and hazardous drug compounding. Our 2020 SOP templates can be customized for a particular pharmacy's practice.
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