Express Scripts startled dozens of pharmacies across the nation this spring when it abruptly sent a blitz of "recoupment" notices regarding certain compounded prescription claims processed in 2015 -- yes, five years ago -- for the Defense Health Agency. Our consulting team sprang into action, ready to assist clients with their responses.
The so-called Tricare Clawback was so ill-conceived and unfair, however, that the PBM giant appeared to back off by the end of the month, suspending its action for an unclear and indefinite amount of time. Compounders will likely face a reckoning down the road; the only question is the length of that road.
The Gates Healthcare team is well-equipped to work collaboratively with compounders and their legal counsel to review and respond to any allegations. We are taking this seriously, and so should you. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this matter.